
One has got to start somewhere in this Blog Universe. So I will start at the Beg-in-ing.
As you are reading this, you are likely to be in the process of planning a big life event, maybe your wedding or naming day. This is all new to you.

So what on that must do list for your celebration?

☑ Someone you love
☑ Budget
☑ Date and time
☑ Venue
☑ Guest list
☑ Food
☑ Music
☑ Flowers
☑ What to wear

Not so sure, don’t want a church wedding. Registry office is a bit standard and short, not so personal. Perhaps a Celebrant?

Humanist, Spiritualist, Druid, Independent celebrant, Buddhist? Confusing. Are they all the same?

Here is my advice….

Find a celebrant that suits your style, and your beliefs.

Ask them questions. Are they working out of their own creed or belief system? Do they write their scripts from scratch for each ceremony? Can they show you an example of their work? How well can they engage with you and your guests? Are they passionate about their work?

(Do feel free to ask me about any aspect of my work. I want to work with people who have high standards. I am a not-your-ordinary celebrant).

Speak to celebrants- find out if you “click” with the person – looking at a website is not enough.

Find a celebrant that meets your specific needs. Your ceremony sets the tone for your unique celebration, and you want to make sure that all the effort you have put into making your wedding or naming day begin perfectly! All the money, time, and effort you have put in to your preparation is huge. The ceremony needs to start the day with a high!

Take time, and find the perfect celebrant. They won’t blow your budget, but the right celebrant will blow you and your guests away.

So, now folks, that’s the blog-in-ing done. Until next time, best wishes with your preparation.

